Due to the type and quantity of some of the chemicals that Briar Chemicals uses in its manufacturing processes we are classified as a Upper Tier Establishment under the COMAH (Control of Major Accident Hazards) Regulations.
COMAH is regulated by the UK Health & Safety Executive and the UK Environment Agency. These regulations form the basis of the safety systems and controls we apply to keep the materials safely contained and controlled on our site.
At Briar Chemicals we take great pride in our approach to safety and our impressive record of managing hazardous materials in a safe and environmentally conscious manner.
Safety & environmental management is built into the design of all our chemical processing activities and we regularly review and test our systems against best practice and available technology. This ensures safety & environmental performance is maintained at the highest standards and remains integral to our business.
If you live or work in close proximity to our site, you may find yourself within our 850m consultation zone. Please visit the Briar Chemicals Warn and Inform registration page so that we can send you any appropriate emergency response information and add you to our newsletter mailing list.
Our Major Accident Prevention Policy can be downloaded here.
Major Accident Prevention Policy (MAPP)
We regularly liaise with local businesses, schools and residents in our vicinity. If you are interested in finding out more about what we do you are welcome to attend one of our regular community forum meetings by contacting us directly. We are always happy to arrange site visits for interested parties.
Briar Chemicals is a member of the Chemical Industries Association and EFCG (CEFIC), and adheres to the guiding principles of Responsible Care ®.
For further details on hazards and emergency information at COMAH sites (including Briar Chemicals) Click here