Our Briar Chemicals delivers contract and custom manufacturing solutions to customers across the globe. From our site in Norwich, UK, we service world-leading companies in the crop protection, fine and speciality sectors, utilising a broad asset and technology base, underpinned by quality driven project management.
The chemical products that we manufacture benefit society across the globe. The products we make on behalf of our customers help to protect a wide range of crops, increase farmers’ yields in challenging climates, prevent diseases in cattle and sheep, and are key building blocks in the leather, textile and plastics sectors.
The name ‘Briar Chemicals’ was chosen by our employees when the business became an independent entity in September 2012. The briar is a robust, vigorous species of wild rose native to the UK. It represents the long history of manufacturing at the site’s location of Sweet Briar Road in Norwich, and the future growth aspirations of the business. It is also a link to the site’s long tradition with the manufacture of crop protection products.
Although we are a new name in the industry, we have over 50 years of chemical manufacturing heritage and an established reputation for excellence through continuous improvement, dependability, investment in people and social responsibility.
The site is in outstanding technical condition, having benefited from extensive and continuous investment, and we are at the top of our field in our approach to safety and the environment.
Download our corporate brochures:
Blending, Formulation & Packing
Key facts:
- Site area 46 hectares (114 acres) with 13.6 hectares available for development
- 220 employees
- Global business with > 95% of production exported
- Sales revenue ~ UK£ 45 million (Euro 60 million, US$ 75 million, Yen 8000 million)
- Wholly owned by Safex Chemicals India Ltd
- Upper Tier COMAH establishment (Seveso III Directive)
- Extensive site infrastructure includes waste treatment facilities, energy generation and warehousing
Briar Chemicals is a member of the Chemical Industries Association and adheres to the guiding principles of Responsible Care ®.