Briar Chemicals takes its responsibility to safeguard the environment very seriously. Our aim is to minimise the impact on the environment from our activities.
Each year we spend more than £6 million to maintain and improve site infrastructure. Our facilities include:
- Fentox® hydrogen peroxide oxidation effluent treatment plant (commissioned 2014 by Eisenmann)
- Waste treatment, at source, on a number of our production units
- Treatment and recycle of copper salts
- Solvent recovery and recycle
- Final onsite treatment of aqueous effluent prior to discharge to 3rd party treatment facilities
- Real-time analysis of effluent discharges using state of the art analytical techniques (including ICP-OES for metals analysis)
- Comprehensive fire detection systems across the site
- Firefighting water distribution linked to on-plant fire suppression systems
- 3600m3 firefighting water tank and full containment of all potential fire water run-off
- Collection and testing of all rainwater run-off prior to discharge to 3rd party treatment facilities

We operate strictly to our Environmental Management system which conforms to the requirements of BS EN 14001:2004. A copy of our certificate can be downloaded here.
Our Environmental Policy can be downloaded here.
Briar Chemicals is a member of the Chemical Industries Association and EFCG (CEFIC), and adheres to the guiding principles of Responsible Care ®.